
Study in Thailand

Aside from being one of the most visited Asian nations, global learners have constantly been enrolling to study in Thailand!

Let us guide your plan to study in Thailand. We listed all the necessary information to make your educational goal fast and seamless.

Quick Facts about Thailand

Capital: Bangkok

Currency: Thai Baht

Population: 67,293,000

Popular programs to study in Thailand:

  • Economics,
  • Architecture,
  • Engineering,
  • Journalism,
  • Business Management,
  • Arts,
  • Design

Government expenditure on the education system: 478.4 billion Thai baht

Key services industries:

Tourism, Financial Services, Information and communication technology, Logistics and transportation, education and healthcare

Key manufacturing areas:

Automotive, electronics, machinery, food and beverage, chemicals

Why study in Thailand

There are numerous positive benefits when you study in Thailand. Here are some notable advantages:

High-quality education

Most universities in the country are internationally recognized and accredited; thus, you are guaranteed to receive the best education when you study in Thailand.

Affordable living expenses

From housing to transportation, expect reasonable prices when you study in Thailand. Moreover, the country is acclaimed for delectable but affordable food made more interesting using unique spices and ingredients.

Welcoming locals

Thais are known to be one of the best Asian hosts, as they are warm and friendly. With this, expect pleasant daily interactions with the locals when you study in Thailand.

Exciting places to visit during school breaks

From lush forests to relaxing beaches, there are many natural scenic spots to visit while studying in Thailand. School breaks are also exciting as you have access to nearby Asian countries to explore!

Application Process to Study in Thailand

Basic Requirements:

  • Valid passport
  • High school diploma
  • Student visa
  • Proof of English proficiency
  • Letter of acceptance from a Thai university
  • Proof of financial support
  • Medical insurance


  • Choose among the best universities in Thailand for international students that offer your preferred educational program.
  • Ensure you meet the entry requirements to study in Thailand. Make sure the copies are clear and application forms are error-free.
  • The application process to study in Thailand may vary per university. But generally, the required documents include a letter of recommendation, transcript of record, filled application form, and personal statement.
  • You will receive an acceptance letter from your chosen university to confirm admission.
  • Apply for a student visa at your home country’s Thai Embassy or Consulate. Bring your passport, letter of acceptance from the university to study in Thailand, and proof of financial capacity.
  • Arrive in the country and register for your classes to study in Thailand! Enjoy this once-in-a-lifetime experience and start making memories!

EA Exchange offers the best assistance to make studying in Thailand seamless for all international students!

Quick Facts about Thailand

Easy application process

Just fill out an online application form and submit it with a few attachments.

Acceptance even in one day

Your study placement can be confirmed as quickly as in day.

Secure study place

Once you get the confirmation, it’s a done deal!

Get all the support you need

Our on-site team helps you get the most out of your time abroad

Apply easily with friends

Share life-changing experiences together

Do you have questions about studying abroad?

Student visa for international students

To study in Thailand, international students must apply for a student visa.

Acquiring a student visa costs $70, and getting a visa takes five to 10 working days.

Moreover, once you get a Thai student visa, you have to tell the immigration office every 90 days where you are living in Thailand.

Popular City to Study in Thailand:

  • Bangkok

Bangkok is a melting pot of various cultures with influences from India, China, and the West. It is equally exciting and truly energetic, guaranteeing learners an outstanding experience while they study in Thailand.

  • Phuket

Phuket offers refreshing adventures allowing students to learn in prestigious universities while enjoying extracurricular activities such as diving, surfing, hiking, and more!

Top Universities to Study in Thailand:

  • Kaesart University
  • Siam University
  • Prince of Songkla University

Frequently Asked Questions

How much is the cost of living in Thailand for international students?

An international student’s average cost of living ranges from USD 600 to USD 800 per month, which is relatively low in contrast with other in-demand Asian study-abroad destinations.

What are the transportations available in Thailand for international students?

There are a variety of transportation available if you plan to study in Thailand. You may choose from trains, taxis, and tuk-tuks. Buses are the most common mode of transportation in the country.

What are some safety tips for international students in Thailand?

International students must know their surroundings and avoid walking alone at night. Also, if you are out partying, do not accept drinks from strangers. Finally, memorize the number of police for emergency assistance.

Can an international student work part-time in Thailand?

Yes, an international student can work 20 hours a week after getting a work permit from the Thai Ministry of Labor and paying 1,900 baht, or approximately 60 USD.