Summer School

Summer School

Sometimes spending a full-length semester abroad might not be feasible for any number of reasons. Your busy study schedule or the tough academic demands of your home university might not leave room for an entire semester abroad.

You might also be uncertain about committing straight to a whole semester overseas in an unknown environment while still taking part in something more than just a holiday abroad.

Joining a summer school session is a great way of studying abroad for a shorter period of time. You get to experience a new country, learn the basics of a new language, gain friends from all over the world and take some interesting courses simultaneously, all within just a month.


If your plans for the summer are primarily about going on a holiday or perhaps studying a bit more, then a summer school is an effective way to combine the two. It’s more than just sightseeing and lying on a beach, more than just sitting in front of a pile of books the whole summer. You get to take a break from your familiar environment while also feeling that you’re doing something productive:

1、You get to know a new country and culture better than a mere tourist

2、You learn things you wouldn’t be able to learn at home, both in- and outside the classroom

3、You earn academic credits, which you can include into your degree back home

4、You get to know people from all over the world

5、A summer school looks good in your CV and showcases to your future employers that you are active and make good use of your time



The international summer school programs at our partner universities take place from July to August each year. Find out more about the programs below.

International Summer School Session in Thailand: Kasetsart University

Imagine the best summer of your life studying on the world-famous holiday city, Thailand Bangkok! Join Kasetsart University's affordable international summer school program, earn up to 12 ECTS and discover the amazing city of Thailand with its many recreational activities.

Kasetsart University International Summer Program introduces you to Thailand language, culture, tourism and business. You won't be just sitting in the classroom either, but will get to take part in many interesting workshops and excursions as well. At the same time you'll get to make many new friends from all over the world, learn about other cultures and improve your English skills.

You can choose to join the program suitable for students from all fields, whether its business, technology or social sciences. If you have an open and curious mind and you're interested in learning more about Thailand and South-East Asia, this program is for you. You don't even have to be currently enrolled at a university or college to apply.

Kasetsart University International Summer& Winter Program is open to both undergraduate and graduate students from universities worldwide. It offers a unique opportunity for students to spend 3-4 weeks in Bangkok, Thailand, during the holidays, while earning academic credits transferable to the home university upon completion.

During the time in Thailand, students will not only engage in enriching coursework but also have the chance to explore the rich cultural heritage of Thailand. Kasetsart University organizes excursions to local landmarks and facilitate visits to local businesses, providing students with a well-rounded experience that combines academic growth with cultural immersion.




May 2025 to August 2025 (each period no exceed 2-4 weeks at most)

Program Content

Lectures, assignments, cultural business excursions

Levels of Study

Bachelor and Master

Study Fields

Economics, Marketing, Accounting and Business Administration


• Faculty of Economics

• Faculty of Business Administration

General information

As an Exchange student, you can choose 1-3 courses and will be attending courses together with local and international students at Kasetsart University.

All the courses have an attendance requirement of at least 80 %. Students failing to comply with this requirement risk having their student visas canceled by the university. Some of the courses also include business and cultural visits. The visits are equally obligatory as normal classes.

Lecturers teach the courses with international experience and typically degrees completed abroad.

Course syllabi

Use the syllabi and course descriptions when presenting your study plan to your home institution. This will help them to decide how to transfer credits and grant scholarships. Detailed syllabi will be circulated on the lectures.

The syllabi are exemplary and available for most courses. The remaining syllabi are handed out at the latest at the beginning of lectures.

Course selection

You will select your final courses and present them to the university. Please note that courses from different faculties may be organized at the same time. As in all universities worldwide, changes in course offerings and course dates are possible without prior notice.

More information about course choices will be available at the destination at the beginning of the semester.


Kasetsart University following the ECTS points system and requirements. One course at Kasetsart University is worth 3 Thai credits, which translates into 5 ECTS on undergraduate programs and 9 ECTS on graduate programs (including lectures, assignments, preparing for exams and completing them, fieldwork and company visits). You can take up to 3 courses as an undergraduate student and up to 3 courses during winter as a graduate student.


• An official transcript of records in English.

• A copy of the identification page of your passport. The passport must be valid for a minimum of six months after arriving in Thailand.  A passport with a validity of 18 months is sometimes required when applying for a one-year Multiple Entry Visa. Please note this also when sending EA Exchange your application for the study abroad program.